Tuesday, September 29, 2015

High Resolution Picture Taken at a Patriots Game

  What you can access on the FanCam:
  • it has exclusive 360 degree tour of the picture 
  • you can vote for your favorite fan of the week
  • find Pat Patriot in the crowd 
  • tag yourself if you find yourself in the crowd 

Friday, September 25, 2015

IOS 9 Security Flaws

  • According to Apple more than half of Iphone/Ipad users have upgraded to IOS 9
  • The security errors have allowed people to access owners private data through Siri
  • Iphone 6 users with IOS 9 update are experiencing photo/contacts loss 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

This year I'm taking World History with Ms. Garvin. She is a good teacher and has a lot of potential.  She was a student here at the Wood-ridge High school and then went to the University of Perdu. But she is now a history teacher at Wood-ridge High school. She also is a runner now and she also was a cancer victim but she is a survivor. She has a obsession of the Rock. In class she is a great speaker and has a strong voice and always has faith in us students.

This year I expect to learn about World War II because my great grandfather was involved in it and it interest me and i also would like to learn about the Holocaust. I also want to learn about the Civil War because i already heard a little about it in 8th grade but i want to learn more information about it. Now in class she is teaching us about the renaissance period in Europe and painters in that time. 

Her grading policy is mostly like all the rest of the teachers.So, 40 percent is Summative Projects. Another 40 percent is the performance based assessments. 10 percent is homework and the last 10 percent is formative assessments including participation. So far we did a little group project that was about painters paintings and how they had diffrences and similarities and so far that was the only one. But I'm looking foward to many others.In her class we use technology for projects and to research diffrent things about a specific subjects.

Ms. Garvins helpful links: